I've had a lot of fun painting aeronautic themed images over the years.  I've recently been painting in a style that is informed by serigraph techniques, as well incorporating printing directly onto the canvas.  I'm also working on a new, non-objective body of paintings in my "universe" series.
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Universe - 2
Acrylic and Oil Pastel on canvas
24" x 24"
(c) Bob Hartzell 2014
Moon - 2013
24 inches x 24 inches
acrylic on canvas
Available for purchase
Universe - 01
Acrylic and Oil Pastel on canvas
30" x 24"
(c) Bob Hartzell 2014
Neil (2) - First Man on the Moon 2012 
20 inches x 30 inches
Acrylic on Canvas
Yuri (3) - First Man in Space
36 inches x 48 inches
acrylic on canvas
Universe - 04
Acrylic and Oil Pastel on canvas
24" x 24"
(c) Bob Hartzell 2014
Available for purchase.
Universe - 03
Acrylic and Oil Pastel on canvas
24" x 24"
(c) Bob Hartzell 2014
Private Collection
Universe - 06
Acrylic and Oil Pastel on canvas
24" x 24"
(c) Bob Hartzell 2014
Private Collection
Astro in Pastel  2013
24 inches x 24 inches
Acrylic on canvas 
Private Collection
36 inches x 36 inches
acrylic on canvas
Private Collection in Memphis TN
Universe - 00
24 inches x 48 inches
acrylic and metallics on canvas
(c) Bob Hartzell 2013
Artist's Collection
Universe - 07
Acrylic and Oil Pastel on canvas
24" x 24"
(C) Bob Hartzell 2014
Available for purchase.
5" x 5" Guache on watercolor paper. Artist's collection.
5" x 5" Guache on watercolor paper. Artist's collection.
Guache on watercolor paper.
Private collection.
Guache on watercolor paper. Private collection.
Parasail.  Private collection.
Lunar lander lifiting.
Guache on watercolor paper.
Untitled 2013
12 inches x 12 inches
acrylic on canvas
Private collection.
Corsair Orange and Blue
36 inches x 36 inches
acrylic on canvas
Private Collection